Tag Archives: sculpture

Photograph 012020

Original image of photograph

Photography has allowed me to capture an instance in a delicate relationship of unstable equilibrium as a sensual physical essence. It is a conversation between the lens and the sculpture. The process involved in the making of the image and its subject has acquired a special significance during the coronavirus crisis during which the sculpture has been confined to the studio. I see it as an equation. The geometric supporting forms and the organic piece representing the balance between human activity and Nature. The vulnerability of this system is embodied in the fragility of the porcelain in its unfired state and slight touching of the forms. Natural light coming primarily from above is an active vertical element contrasting with the passive horizontal aspects of the arrangement. The intention is to create a sense of stasis as an active waiting and being.

The various components in this photograph were modelled at various times. The large piece was completed in the Summer of 2019. The other two pieces, stacked on top of the other are support stands for two other sculptures. When arranging the large form, the tail was loose and needed support to stay in place. I tried to keep the integrity of the material in the image and decided to use the two supports. I was fascinated by how later works came in the support of the earlier one and how the sense of equilibrium as I placed the components reflected the idea of dynamic equilibrium I see all around me. I chose the predominantly top light from a window because of the soft light casting shadows directly beneath the forms. This creates a vertical aspect to the image that contrasts with the passive horizontal dynamics.








Modelled porcelain forms in an arrangement


Variable. File size approximately 4000 x 6000 px




Artist’s studio


The image was used in the MA blog journal and the final online MA show. It was submitted as an entry for the 2020 Saatchi MA Fine Art exhibition at the private museum in London. Result pending.

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